International Summer School

Postcolonial Transtextual Dialogues

University of Padua, Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies

From Monday 9 to Friday 13 September, 2024


The Summer School will be held at the University of Padua, at the Beato Pellegrino building, from Monday 9 to Friday 13 September, 2024. It is intended to foster a dialogue “between and beyond” literary texts, “between and beyond” the diverse souls of the Postcolonial (and Decolonial) involving Environmental Studies, Ecofeminism, Queer and Posthuman Studies…, in an attempt to unlock new opportunities to understand the “contemporary extreme”. 

Building on a reflection on the literary text, as well as on the postcolonial cultural object more broadly —which by its very nature calls for transdisciplinarity and cooperation among different spheres of knowledge— we aim to equip participants with the necessary tools so as to adequately frame their presence in the ‘narrative’ of globalization within a critical perspective. 

Plenary talks by leading international scholars hailing from different spheres of knowledge will be followed by workshops enabling participants to put the acquired insights into practice. The lingua franca of the School will be English, although workshops will be provided in Spanish and Italian, as well. On the last day, a feedback session will be held for participants to mingle and share their research projects with tutors.

The initiative is intended for Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD students, as well as researchers and activists. In addition to providing the acquisition of 4 European Credits, the four-day attendance will serve as an introduction and a facilitated access (Summer Term) to the Postcolonial, Afro-descendant and Global South Cultures programs offered by the Master’s Degree Course in European and American Languages and Literature (LM-37).

The School, currently in its first year, falls within the third line of action addressing the phenomena of literary transculturation in the global era as envisaged by the 2023-2027 ‘Digital and cross-cultural TRANSmission of TEXTs (TRANSTEXT)’ Project of Excellence, which the Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies received funding for from the Ministry of Culture.

Guest Speakers

Françoise Vergès – Author and independent curator

Opening Plenary Talk: September 9, 2024 – Workshop: September 10, 2024

Françoise Vergès (La Réunion-France) is a decolonial antiracist feminist, author and independent curator. Her writings focus on the racial fabrication of premature death, the afterlives of slavery and colonization, decolonial feminism, the impossible decolonization of the Western museum and the racial capitalocene. Latest publication: Programme de désordre absolu. Décoloniser le musée (La Fabrique, 2023, forthcoming Italian translation by Meltemi).

Annalisa Oboe – University of Padua

Lecture and seminar: September 10, 2024

Annalisa Oboe is Professor of Anglophone literatures and postcolonial studies at DiSLL, University of Padova. She is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal From the European South: a transdisciplinary journal of postcolonial humanities and the founder and Director of the ‘Elena Cornaro’ Centre for gender studies and policies of the University of Padova. Her research focuses on postcolonial literatures and cultures; Black Atlantic studies; Anglophone women’s writing; South African and West African fiction; historical novels and historiographic metafiction; literature, ethics and collective futures. Latest publication: Chris Abani, CONTEMPORARY WORLD WRITERS (Manchester University Press, 2022).

Gabriele Bizzarri – University of Padua

Lecture and seminar: September 10, 2024

Gabriele Bizzarri is professor of Hispanic-American Literature at the University of Padua and editor of Orillas. Journal of Hispanistics. His research focuses on the construction of Latin American cultural identity, in a chronological perspective which sets the era of the great identity theories and narrative macro-foundations of the mid-twentieth century in dialogue with the deconstructionist drifts of the late twentieth century and with the embattled re-actualizations of the contemporary (with a series of works devoted, for example, to Bolaño’s “Latin American vision”). His interest in queer studies is also declined in this vein throughout his latest book (Performar Latinoamérica. Estrategias queer de representación y agenciamiento del Nuevo Mundo en la literatura hispanoamericana contemporánea, 2020), where the performative resurrection of localist resistance in authors such as Pedro Lemebel, Diamela Eltit, and Roberto Bolaño is highlighted. He is currently working on a book on new Latin American weird fiction.

Photo: Daniel Mordzinski

Gabriela Wiener – writer

Plenary Talk and Workshop: September 11, 2024

Gabriela Wiener is a Peruvian writer and journalist, one of the new voices of so-called narrative journalism, as well as a 2SLGBTQI+ rights activist and performer. Her publications include the news books Sexografías and Nueve Lunas and the novel Huaco retrato (translated into Italian as Sanguemisto ), a sharp narrative memoir that investigates the writer’s proudly mongrel origins with a rabidly decolonial approach.

Rachele Borghi – Sorbonne Université

Performance lecture “Exercises in decoloniality” & Conferenzaret, performance on decoloniality and feminism: September 11, 2024

Rachele Borghi, professor at the Sorbonne University in Paris, is a queer transfeminist performance geographer. Her work focuses on the deconstruction of dominant norms and the contamination of spaces through dissident and militant bodies. Drawing on feminist and decolonial thinking, she seeks to blast university walls, circulate people, knowledge, reflections and practices to develop radical pedagogical methods. Latest publication: Decolonialità e privilegio (Meltemi, 2020).

Chiara Mengozzi – Charles University, Prague

Lecture and workshop: September 12, 2024

Chiara Mengozzi is a professor of Literary Theory and Italian Literature at Charles University in Prague. She also serves as a research associate at CEFRES in Prague (Centre Français de Recherche en Sciences Sociales), president of OFFRES (Organisation Francophone pour la Formation et la Recherche Européennes en Sciences Humaines) and director of the journal “Scritture migranti” at the University of Bologna, together with Daniele Comberiati and Yahis Martari. Latest publication: Outside the Anthropological Machine. Crossing the Human-Animal Divide and Other Exit Strategies (Routledge, 2020).

Iain Michael Chambers – independent researcher

Lecture and workshop: September 12 & 13, 2024

Iain Chambers studied at the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies at Birmingham University before moving to Naples, where he taught Cultural, Postcolonial and Mediterranean Studies at the University of Naples, L’Orientale. He is presently an independent researcher and writes regularly for the Italian daily il Manifesto. Among his publications are Migrancy, Culture, Identity (1994) and Mediterranean Crossings. The Politics of an Interrupted Modernity (2008), Postcolonial Interruptions, Unauthorised Modernities (2017), and with Marta Cariello, The Mediterranean Question(2025). With Lidia Curti, he edited the volume The Postcolonial Question. Common Skies, Divided Horizons (1995).

Workshops will focus on:

Postcolonial and Posthuman Studies, Postcolonial and Environmental Studies, Postcolonial and Queer Studies.

Show and Tell Sessions will focus on participants’ research projects.




14:00 – 16:30

Opening session 

Meeting Room 

Meet-&-greet, introductions and instructions for our decolonial week.

16:30 – 17:00


17:00 – 19:00 – opening lecture

Keynote speech


Aula 1

Language: English

In this event open to all citizenship, the renowned political scientist will offer a historical excursus of European liberal and state, revolutionary (anarchist and Marxist…) feminisms, discuss the phenomena of femonationalism and femoimperialism, all in their contemporary facets with a reminder of their genealogy, eventually drawing on anticolonial and decolonial feminisms.

19:45 – optional social activity

Welcome aperitivo

Il Coccodrillo, Via Euganea 2, Padova

(Included with the registration fee)




09:00 – 10:45 – conference

Literature as Cultural Ecology


Aula 1

Language: English

10:45 – 11:15

Coffee Break*

11.15 – 13:00 – conference

Capitalizing on interruption: the weird turn in the contemporary hispanic novel


Aula 1

Language: Italian

With the arrival of the new millennium and, in particular, more forcefully over the past decade, the Hispanic American novel seems to be entering a new phase of experimentation, deeply conscious of its most notorious traditions and directly connected to the urgency of reflecting (or refracting problematically) the implicitly neocolonial order built around the demands of unlimited circulation of global capital. In fact, after a phase that we might call normalization, the neutralization of difference in the neoliberal enchantment of the 1990s of the last century -which, literarily, finds expression, in the territory, in a robust wave of ”throwback realism’-, the current narrative reappropriates the remnants of the emancipatory discourse of the postcolonial and the narratives of non-mimetic resistance that, spectacularly, had sustained it in Latin America, in order to recontextualize them in the “interesting times” of the contemporary extreme, making them, as it were, mutate toward less reassuring forms. The poetic and political legacy of early magical realism -in its many, embattled local variants, so far removed from the standards of popularization that would later convert the genre into an exoticist consumer delicacy for the Western publishing market-, the ferment of discontinuity that, originally, armed the hand of Alejo Carpentier, Miguel Ángel Asturias, and Arturo Uslar Pietri among others, revives, emblematically blackened, in the weird sensibility that runs, transversally, through the works of the most representative authors of the new canon (Mariana Enriquez, Liliana Colanzi, Juan Cárdenas, Maximiliano Barrientos ), who, by rereading the mestizo construct through the dark filter of Lovecraft and Ligotti, dusting off an indigenist agenda through Fisher’s negative anti-capitalism and Morton’s leftist ecology, in general, applying a further spin to the significant disenfranchisement with which the periphery responds to the demands of ‘understanding’ the center, rediscover that of Latin American culture as a disturbing and expressive site of interruption, where the norm senses its arbitrariness and glimpses the prospect of its collapse. By this route, the mnemoconscious spatialities of a cultural Apocalypse recently entered the fifth centenary of its history become territories of election of a widespread anti-paradigmatic awareness, of a maieutics of precariousness that, for once, reversing the flow of patterns, will be urgent to export: (new) worlds of the end in which the human is called to creatively negotiate with the bogeyman of its own extinction. 

  • Fisher, Mark (2018). The weird and the eerie. Lo strano e l’inquietante nel mondo contemporaneo 
  • Arguedas, José María (1971). I fiumi profondi, Einaudi: Torino 
  • Cornejo Polar, Antonio (1994). “Mestizaje, transculturación, heterogeneidad”, Revista de crítica literaria latinoamericana, n°40, pp. 368-371  
  • Colanzi, Liliana (2016). “L’Onda” e “Chaco”, in Nuestro mundo muerto, Eterna Cadencia: Buenos Aires 


Packed lunch

14:00-16:00 – workshop



Aula 11

Language: English

This fully interactive workshop builds on the questions and insights of the participants, related to readings, concerns connected to specific events, current issues, through addressing complex questions of no immediate resolution. Themes: climate disaster denial and its relation to the far right, green-washing, the implication of class and gender intersectionality in environmental destruction…

Participants are encouraged to peruse the recommended bibliography to elaborate reflections and questions to be shared:


16:00 – 16:30




Aula 11



09:00-10:45 – performative conference

EXERCISES IN DECOLONIALITY: bodies, love and miltancy in the queer era


Aula 2

Lingua: Italian

Everything you always wanted to know but never dared to ask about queer theories. A participatory conference to start finding your path in the constellation of queer studies. We will cross the territories of transfeminism, the landscapes of intersectionality, passing through the spaces of pirate methodologies, queer and decolonial practices and solidarity to Palestine, reaching radical tenderness. A compass to navigate or choose to get lost in the queer archipelago.


10:45 – 11:15

Coffee Break

11:15-13:00 – conference

Carta a les escritores disidientes


Aula 2

Language: Spanish

When I published my novel Huaco Retrato, the best thing that happened to me was that I did not receive criticism or academic commentaries so much as passionate letters from readers, colleagues and friends who found in the story of our bodies a bridge to the other. In this conference and in the spirit of the letter that Gloria Anzaldúa and Cherri Moragan once addressed to us “third world writers”, I turn once again to all of us in the intimacy and hope of continuing to create resistance and counter-narratives from our migrant and dissident letters.

1) Huaco Retrato (Para McSweeney’s)

2) Aca soy la que se fue

3) Devuelvannos el Oro

4) “Bestias” da Quiltras di Arelis Uribe


Packed lunch

14:00-16:00 – workshop


Salone Maldura

Language: Spanish

16:00 – 16:30


16:30-18:00 – Group Work Part I

Preparation of final presentatons

This slot is dedicated to activities to be carried out in small groups in order to set up and prepare for the presentiation to be made during Friday’s final session.

19:00 – 21:00 – show



Salone Maldura

Language: Italian

An evening to chat, get involved, think, wonder, have fun, relax, learn, observe, get caught up in laughter and maybe even tears. All together, at all times. A cabaret-flavored conference that will take us into the terrain of feminism and decoloniality, their declinations and practices, to encourage action and strengthen alliances and complicity.



09:00-10:45 – conference


Letting the Planet Speak: Non-human Voices through Narrative, Sound Art, and Technology


Aula 2

Language: English

The habitability of the planet Earth depends on countless organisms, entities, and processes, most of which lie beyond our immediate experience. Several literary critics have praised performative and sound art for its striking ability, compared to literary works, to bring the biotic and abiotic components of the Earth system into our perceptual and sensorial realm, without projecting human meanings onto them. But how does this sensorial experience translate into ecological-oriented political action? Comparing some important examples of sound art and narrative works, this lecture (i) analyzes the artistic and technological devices that enable the transformative processes of the Anthropocene to become tangible to human senses; (ii) demonstrates the insufficiency of immersive knowledge experiences as tools for triggering ecological awareness and forms of eco-responsible politics; and, finally, (iii) argues for the need to articulate, through narrative, the problems of perception with those of representation and advocacy.


  • Chakrabarty, D. (2021). The Climate of History in a Planetary Age. The University of Chicago Press.
  • Clark, T. (2015). Ecocriticism on the Edge. The Anthropocene as a Threshold Concept. Bloomsbury.
  • Horn, E., Bergthaller, H. (2020). The Anthropocene. Key Issues for the Humanities. Routledge.  
  • Robinson, K.S. (2020). The Ministry for the Future. Orbit Books
  • de Toledo, Camille. (2021) Le fleuve qui voulait écrire. Les auditions du parlement de Loire. Les Liens qui Libèrent.

10:45 – 11:15

Coffee Break

11:15-13:00 – Group Work Part II

Preparation of final presentatons & feedback

Aula 11

This slot is dedicated to activities to be carried out in small groups in order to set up and prepare for the presentiation to be made during Friday’s final session. At this time, the professors in the scientifc committee of the School will be available to give preliminary feedback.


Packed lunch

14:00-20:00 – workshop

Theater of the Oppressed


20:00-00:00 – optional social activity

Closing buffet dinner

(Included with the registration fee)



09:00-11:00 – conference

Between the eye and the ear: Mediterranean entanglements and unauthorised modernities.


Aula 1

Lingua: inglese


Packed brunch

12:00 – 15:30 – workshop

Final Session

Aula 1

More details coming soon.

*Lunches (10-13/09) and coffee-breaks (09/09-13/09) are included in the registration fee


Early Bird Registration will be available until June 30, 2024, while Late Bird Registration will be open from July 1 to July 15, 2024.

All applications will be assessed by our Scientific Board. By July 22 applicants will receive a confirmation. In order to be able to attend, all successful applicants shall make payment of the registration fee by means that will be notified no later than July 31, 2024.

Failure to participate without sound and substantiated evidence will result in a penalty amounting to 60% of the registration fee.

Registration fee for the remaining 20 available places is only €100!

– Until July 15, 2024 –

Complesso Universitario Beato Pellegrino

Scientific Committee

Annalisa Oboe

Gabriele Bizzarri

Luigi Marfé

Alice Salion

Francesca Furlan

Francesco Fasano


Via E. Vendramini, 13

35137 – Padova

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